123 Affiliate Marketing Review – Pat Flynn Scam or Legit Method For Earning?

Born & raised in England, Dale is the founder of Living More Working Less & he has been making a living from his laptop ever since leaving his job as an electrician back in 2012. Now he shares what he's learned to help others do the same... [read more]

Looking for ways to create an income online? Well, you might have come across the 123 Affiliate Marketing program, a course that promises to equip you with knowledge, strategies, and tools to make it big in the affiliate marketing world.

123 Affiliate Marketing Website Screenshot

But is it all it’s cracked up to be? Or is it just another course that falls flat on its promise? Let’s dive deep into it with this in-depth review.

With so many courses and programs promising sky-high returns and a luxurious lifestyle, it’s crucial to make wise and informed decisions. Our aim with this comprehensive review of the 123 Affiliate Marketing program is to help you do just that.

We’ll explore the nuts and bolts of the program, detail its pricing structure, and evaluate its value for money.

So, buckle up and get ready for a deep dive into the world of 123 Affiliate Marketing.

What Is 123 Affiliate Marketing?

123 Affiliate Marketing is an online course designed to guide students on how to generate income through affiliate marketing. It essentially teaches the ins and outs of affiliate marketing.

This step-by-step guide teaches students how to identify affiliate marketing opportunities, promote products, and earn commissions while providing tutorials, case studies, and resources to help in the affiliate marketing journey.

It boasts an in-depth curriculum that guides students through the process of setting up successful affiliate marketing campaigns, from identifying high-potential products to crafting persuasive marketing messages.

Who Is Pat Flynn?

Pat Flynn

Pat Flynn is the brains behind 123 Affiliate Marketing. He’s a well-known affiliate marketer who has made a name for himself in the online business realm and is likewise a renowned entrepreneur, blogger, and speaker, best known for his work in the affiliate marketing sphere.

Pat Flynn is also the founder of Smart Passive Income, a platform dedicated to teaching people how to create profitable online businesses. In 2008, Pat had just been laid off, and instead of wallowing in self-pity, he took a leap of faith and ventured into the online business world, focusing on architecture. Within a year, his venture was generating six-figure revenues.

He continued to build and diversify, creating multiple passive income businesses and sharing his journey publicly. Over time, he amassed over $6 million through a multifaceted income portfolio encompassing digital products, affiliate marketing, software, books, coaching, public speaking, advertising, online courses, and more.

Pat Flynn is no ordinary Joe in the affiliate marketing arena. His income reports reveal staggering earnings in the millions. His YouTube channel, boasting over 411k subscribers as of the time of this writing, is a goldmine of practical insights.

With hundreds of podcast episodes, Pat shares his wisdom on a broad spectrum of topics. Here, he delves into the art of passive income generation, offers in-depth reviews of various courses, and keeps viewers updated on his latest ventures. His discussions range from marketing strategies on Amazon and Kindle to doling out general business advice.

Who Is 123 Affiliate Marketing For?

When it comes to online income generation, there’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach. This is why the 123 Affiliate Marketing program is crafted to address a wide range of needs, ranging from intermediate to experienced marketers.

123 Affiliate Marketing is designed for anyone who wants to earn income online through affiliate marketing. Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned marketer looking for new strategies, this course has something for you.

For those just starting out in the world of affiliate marketing, the program offers a comprehensive guide. Not only will this course help you comprehend the foundations, but it will also guide you through setting up your first affiliate promotions successfully.

On the flip side, if you’re an established marketer who’s been in the game for a while, don’t be too quick to dismiss the value this program might offer. While you might have had some success, there’s always room for improvement.

Maybe you’re looking to diversify your strategies, or perhaps you’re seeking to climb to new heights in terms of income. Whatever your motivations, this program can provide insightful strategies to help you enhance your existing efforts.

  • Intermediate marketers looking for ways to step up their game
  • Experienced marketers in search of new strategies and diversification options

Ultimately, 123 Affiliate Marketing is for those who see the potential in affiliate marketing and are willing to dive in headfirst.

What Do You Get Inside 123 Affiliate Marketing?

Moving on, let’s take a peek inside the 123 Affiliate Marketing program. 123 Affiliate Marketing is a wholesome training program that offers a wealth of resources, including video tutorials and step-by-step guides.

The program is divided into several comprehensive modules, each designed to focus on a different aspect of affiliate marketing. These modules are sequentially organised to guide you from understanding the basics to applying advanced strategies.

This training program provides 6 modules and 38 lessons at your disposal. Now, this might sound odd, but these lessons are quite brief. Most of them don’t even touch the 10-minute mark, and the longest one doesn’t extend beyond 20 minutes. It’s like a quick espresso shot of knowledge, especially considering the price point.

Now, here’s a little heads up: if you’re looking to grow your audience, this might not be your cup of tea. This course isn’t about SEO or building an email list. It’s more like a treasure map, showing you how to unlock the potential of your existing audience through affiliate offers.

The program begins with a warm welcome and introduction for the new students. It includes an overview of what to expect, how to make the best use of the course, and the rules for long-term success.

Each module is a distinct step in the affiliate marketing journey. From choosing the right product to promoting it effectively, everything is covered in detail. There’s also an exclusive student community and course downloads to aid your learning journey.

The 6 Step-by-Step Modules

Welcome, Students!

From the get-go, you’ll be diving into a comprehensive tour of the entire course. You’ll get a glimpse of all the content, templates, and other downloadable gems that are waiting for you in the course of your learning.

You’ll also become part of a like-minded community, as you’re not just gaining access to a course, but to a network of individuals who are on the same journey as you.

  • Welcome! Watch This First
  • Student Community
  • Course Downloads

What You Need to Know Before You Begin

This is the foundation of the course, where you will learn the basics of affiliate marketing.

  • Affiliate Marketing 101
  • The Mandatory Rules for Long-Term Success
  • How to Use This Course

Step 1: Choose the Right Product

This module guides you on how to pick the best products that align with your niche and audience. You will learn about affiliate links, building relationships with the affiliate company, and more.

  • What Kinds of Products Work Best?
  • Let’s Brainstorm!
  • Choosing Your Next “Focus Product”
  • What Is an Affiliate Link?
  • How Do I Get an Affiliate Link?
  • What If There’s No Affiliate Link?
  • What Should You Do with Your Affiliate Link?
  • Building a Relationship with the Affiliate Company
  • Before We Begin Promoting

Step 2: Passive Promotional Strategies

Here, you’ll learn about effective strategies to passively promote your chosen products. This includes adding links to your archive and new content, setting up profitable pages, home page conversion strategies, and more.

  • What Are Passive Promotional Strategies?
  • Adding Links to Your Archive
  • Adding Links to Your New Content
  • Setting Up Your Most Profitable Page
  • Home Page Conversion Strategies
  • A High-Performing Page You Likely Don’t Have
  • Your Email Autoresponder Sequence
  • Set Up Your Passive Promotional Strategies

Step 3: Active Promotional Strategies

This module focuses on more proactive strategies to market your affiliate products. It covers a variety of techniques, such as demos, step-by-step processes, interviews, email broadcasts, affiliate bonuses and others.

  • What Are Active Promotional Strategies?
  • The Top Tools Round-Up
  • The Demo
  • The Step-by-Step Process
  • The Interview
  • The Before and After
  • Your Email Broadcasts
  • Affiliate Bonuses
  • Your First Affiliate Campaign
  • Next Steps
  • Affiliate Opportunities

Affiliate Marketing Recipe Book

This is the final module that concludes your journey with a compilation of books, software and online courses to further enhance your affiliate marketing skills.

  • Welcome to the Recipe Book!
  • Books
  • Software
  • Online Courses and Training

Overall, the 123 Affiliate Marketing program offers a comprehensive and step-by-step approach to affiliate marketing. By focusing on different aspects across the 6 modules, it ensures that you’re well-equipped to grow your affiliate business.

Remember, the course does not offer lessons on growing an audience or SEO. It focuses purely on monetizing your existing audience with affiliate offers.

How Much Does 123 Affiliate Marketing Cost?

Understanding the cost of a program like 123 Affiliate Marketing is crucial, especially when evaluating its potential return on investment.

With a myriad of online courses and training platforms available today, it’s important to know if what you’re spending is truly worth the value you’re getting.

The 123 Affiliate Marketing program presents two main options for its potential students: lifetime access and subscription-based access.

  • Lifetime Access

The 123 Affiliate Marketing program offers a lifetime access option for a one-time fee of $499. This option is perfect for those who want unlimited access to the course and its materials for as long as they need it. It means you’ll have no recurring fees and can learn at your own pace without the pressure of a subscription timeframe.

  • The Smart Passive Income All-Access Pass

Alternatively, you could opt for the Smart Passive Income All-Access Pass. This subscription-based access is priced at $179 per quarter or $599 per year. With this pass, you don’t just get access to the 123 Affiliate Marketing course but to several other courses as well. For those looking to expand their knowledge across various facets of online business, this all-in-one access could represent significant value.

To summarise, the cost of 123 Affiliate Marketing goes beyond the course fee. As a prospective student, you should be prepared to invest in the necessary tools that can enhance your learning and application of the course content. One such crucial tool is an email marketing platform.

Pat Flynn, the course creator, recommends ConvertKit, a renowned name in the email marketing sphere. So, when budgeting for 123 Affiliate Marketing, factor in the course fee and the cost of an email marketing tool like ConvertKit to get a comprehensive understanding of the financial commitment involved.

Pros and Cons of 123 Affiliate Marketing

Like any investment, 123 Affiliate Marketing has its pros and cons. In our effort to provide an unbiased review, we have curated a list of pros and cons associated with the 123 Affiliate Marketing program.

This evaluation is essential in determining whether the program is a worthy investment. So, let’s delve in:

Pros of 123 Affiliate Marketing

  1. Pat Flynn is a respected figure: One of the most significant advantages of 123 Affiliate Marketing is its creator, Pat Flynn. Known for his honesty and integrity, Flynn is a respected figure in the online marketing world. His reputation adds a layer of trust to the program.
  2. No Overhyped Promises or Shady Marketing: Many online programs make unrealistic promises to lure customers. However, 123 Affiliate Marketing steers clear of such tactics. It provides a realistic portrayal of what to expect, making it a breath of fresh air in a market often clouded with deceit.
  3. The Training is Concise: The program offers straight-to-the-point, concise training materials. They are devoid of unnecessary fluff, ensuring learners can grasp the concepts quickly and effectively.
  4. 15-Day Money-Back Guarantee: The program offers a 15-day money-back guarantee. This feature emphasises the confidence they have in their program and provides a safety net for customers who may not find it suitable.

Cons of 123 Affiliate Marketing

  1. Lack of Significant Success Stories from Students: One of the program’s downsides is the lack of substantial success stories from students. While there are a few testimonials, the absence of significant success stories may deter potential students.
  2. Somewhat Expensive for What It Has to Offer: Though the program offers valuable content, some may find it relatively pricey considering the information it provides. This factor could be a barrier for those on a tight budget.
  3. No Training on Building an Audience or Generating Traffic: The program lacks training on crucial aspects such as building an audience or generating traffic. These are essential components of affiliate marketing, and their absence is a significant drawback.
  4. Core Training is Rarely Updated: The world of affiliate marketing is always evolving, and training tools need to keep up. However, 123 Affiliate Marketing’s core training is rarely updated, which is a prominent con.
  5. Training Materials Lack Depth: While the training is concise, it sometimes lacks depth. This lack of comprehensive training may leave students feeling unprepared for the challenges of affiliate marketing.
  6. No Mention on Sales Page of Expenses Beyond the Price of the Training: Another downside is the lack of information on the sales page about costs beyond the training price. This lack of transparency can lead to unexpected expenses for students.

Understanding the pros and cons of any program before investing is crucial. It gives you a comprehensive understanding of what you are signing up for and whether it aligns with your goals and budget. Always remember to conduct thorough research before making a decision.

Is 123 Affiliate Marketing a Scam?

The first question that often pops up when we come across any online program is its credibility. As we navigate the digital landscape, we often stumble upon various affiliate marketing programs claiming to help us strike gold.

In the case of 123 Affiliate Marketing, its legitimacy is hardly up for debate. In short, 123 Affiliate Marketing is not a scam. It’s a legitimate program that offers training and resources for those interested in affiliate marketing.

What is even more appreciable is the transparency of the process. It does not promise overnight success but builds a strong foundation for long-term success. The reputation of Pat Flynn lends an additional layer of credibility to 123 Affiliate Marketing.

However, like any other product or service, it does have its drawbacks, which might influence your decision to invest. While 123 Affiliate Marketing offers a comprehensive guide to help improve your affiliate marketing journey, there are a few factors to consider.

One of the main drawbacks is the price. The cost might be a significant barrier for those with a tight budget. It’s worth considering whether the potential return on investment justifies the initial outlay.

While it offers a broad overview, some users have reported that the program lacks depth in certain areas. This could leave you with gaps in your understanding, which may affect your success in affiliate marketing.

If you already have an online audience and are looking to monetize it with affiliate marketing, then this course might be a good fit for you. However, if you’re just starting out in the affiliate marketing world, keep in mind that the course may not be as in-depth as you’d like.

In conclusion, the question of whether 123 Affiliate Marketing is a scam can be laid to rest. While 123 Affiliate Marketing provides valuable insight and helpful resources for affiliate marketing, its high cost and lack of depth in certain areas may deter potential users.

Therefore, it’s essential to weigh these potential drawbacks against the benefits before deciding to invest in this program.

Is 123 Affiliate Marketing Worth the Cost?

Investing in an affiliate marketing course can be a significant decision. After all, you’re investing not only your hard-earned money but also your precious time. So, is 123 Affiliate Marketing worth the cost? Let’s delve into this question.

123 Affiliate Marketing is more than just a course; it is a comprehensive program designed by Pat Flynn, an affiliate marketing expert, to help you successfully navigate the world of affiliate marketing. But does the cost justify the value it provides? It’s not a straightforward ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer; it largely depends on your affiliate marketing goals, experience, and budget.

For experienced affiliate marketers, the value of 123 Affiliate Marketing may not be as high. If you’ve been in the game for a while, you may already know most of the information the course provides. However, it might still offer some nuggets of wisdom, especially in terms of the strategies and techniques Pat uses.

The price of 123 Affiliate Marketing is indeed on the higher side. But is the cost justified? It all comes down to your individual needs. If you’re an intermediate marketer wanting to up your game, then yes, it could very well be worth the investment. But if you’re an experienced marketer who already knows the ins and outs of affiliate marketing, then you might want to think twice.

A Better Alternative

The sad truth is that unfortunately most of the programs promising to help you make money online are scams. I can say that confidently after exposing over 500+ of them here on this blog.

But the good news is that even though most of them are indeed scams, there are actually some very good programs in amongst them - some programs that can truly help you to earn money.

And out of all of the legit programs I've seen, the one I would recommend the most to anybody looking to get started online is Commission Academy. In my own opinion, that's the best place to start.

At Commission Academy, you'll be provided with everything you need (including the training & tools) to begin earning real money by promoting products or services for companies like Amazon online.

The best part is that there's literally no limit on the amount you can earn with it & the process is pretty simple which means that it's absolutely perfect for people that don't have much experience.

Some wealthy affiliates even earn as much as 5-figures per month... Or more!

Amazon Earnings Example

I mean don't get me wrong, that kind of money won't just fall into your lap without doing any work... But the harder you're willing to work at it, the more you stand to earn with it.

So if you're looking to get started but don't know which route you should go down or which program you should join (and don't want to waste money on bogus things that don't actually work), then I'd highly recommend checking out Commission Academy first. You can learn more about it here.

About the Author:
Born & raised in England, Dale is the founder of Living More Working Less & he has been making a living from his laptop ever since leaving his job as an electrician back in 2012. Now he shares what he's learned to help others do the same... [read more]
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