Fallen Victim To A Binary Options Scam? Follow These 3 Easy Steps To Get Your Money Back

Born & raised in England, Dale is the founder of Living More Working Less & he has been making a living from his laptop ever since leaving his job as an electrician back in 2012. Now he shares what he's learned to help others do the same... [read more]

Binary Options ScamsIf you’ve been unfortunate enough to have fallen to a binary options scam then thankfully you’ve landed in the right place because I am determined to help you get your money back.

Binary options scams took over the internet throughout the most part of 2014/2015 & whilst there has been a major crackdown throughout 2016 there are even still some lingering around to this very day.

The major player that seemed to lure in the most victims was the Millionaire Blueprint system and this was closely followed by another system named The Brit Method which despite the intention of being soley targeted at Brits ended up parting thousands of people globally with their hard earned cash.

But regardless as to which particular scam system or broker it was that lured you in personally you’ll be glad to know that the process of obtaining a refund is exactly the same & that the steps outlined in this blog post will work for you too, since all of these scam binary systems followed the exact same traits.

Firstly, Do You Need The Help of a Third-Party?

Win Chargeback ThumbnailSince I spent a lot of time exposing these scam binary systems & brokers over the past couple of years I’ve had a lot of people who’ve been involved (and burned) by binary options systems reach out to me for help.

To this day I still get emails from people, but what I’ve noticed recently is a trend of people asking me about specific binary option chargeback companies that claim they are dedicated to helping binary options victims to get their money back.

Now these companies certainly can help, but a chargeback is actually something you can do yourself (and it’s fairly straight forward too). I’m going to show you exactly how you can do it right here in this blog post & if you feel confident you can attempt to handle the case yourself.

However if you would like somebody else to take care of the case & handle everything for you then it would wise to enlist a professional company that specializes in this sort of thing – especially if you don’t really feel too confident in tackling it yourself.

One of the best & most helpful chargeback companies I’ve come across that specialize in binary options cases is a company called [company closed] – many people I’ve spoken to have managed to get their funds back via them & told me that the experience was a good one.

Requesting a ChargebackSo if you decide you would like the help of a third party chargeback company then they’d be my top pick – but if you’re feeling confident about tackling it yourself then read on because I’ll show you the exact steps that you need to take to initiate a chargeback via your card issuer to attempt to get a refund.

However, just FYI if you have lost more than a few thousand whether it be to just one specific binary option scam or several different binary options scams then my advice would be for you to potentially seek additional legal help too. So on top of the actual chargeback help it may also be wise to seek help from a legal professional who specialises in financial service disputes.

I also recommend that you do not try & find legal help online! Whilst there are many genuine lawyers & solicitors online who I’m sure can help you with your situation, there are also many rogues in between them – especially when it comes to reclaiming money lost in binary options.

My advice to you if you’ve lost several thousands to binary options is to go out and find a brick & mortar lawyer/solicitors office that has a solid, reputable history.

Cutting corners when it comes to legal advice will more than likely result in you getting burned once more, so spend time choosing the right legal adviser and make absolutely certain that they have a proven history in winning cases. Also when it comes to getting legal assistance in reclaiming money from binary options scams you should not have to pay any money up front for advice, in this situation your adviser should be confident enough to offer you a no win no fee case. If they do not, look for one that does.

If however like most victims you’ve lost around around $250 (or less than $1,000 in total) then you can simply run a chargeback yourself to claim your money back & in this particular instance if you’re confident there generally won’t be a requirement for 3rd party help – unless of course you’d just like to leave it all to the professionals & have them handle it for you.

How To Get Your Money Back Through a Chargeback

If you’ve fallen victim to a binary options scam then the easiest way to get your money back is through something known as a chargeback. A chargeback is a way of claiming your money back directly via your card-issuer or bank & it’s very effective.

By issuing a chargeback you do not have to deal with the binary options company directly, instead you simply deal with your card-issuer or bank & they handle the communications with the specific company that scammed you on your behalf.

The good thing about the chargeback is that the customer is generally favoured to win the case right from the very start. As a customer issuing a chargeback your card-issuer/bank basically takes your side & then it is up to the merchant (the company that scammed you) to prove that they delivered a quality service to you.

Obviously in the case of a scam they cannot prove they delivered a quality service (because they didn’t) so generally you have a high chance of winning as they do not even waste their time bothering to pursue chargeback claims.

Here are a few quick important points about chargebacks:

  • You can use a chargeback even if the company has since closed down
  • Typically you must make a chargeback within 120 days of when you first noticed the problem
  • Visa has an overall chargeback cut off date of 540 days from the date you initially sent the money

So basically providing that 120 days hasn’t passed since you became aware that you had been scammed then you have a very strong chance of getting a refund by issuing a chargeback, even if the companies since closed down.

Here’s how you can initiate a chargeback yourself:

1. Get The Address of Your Debit Card/Credit Card Company

To file a chargeback you must send details of it in written form to your card issuer, so the first thing you’ll need to do is obtain the address of your debit card/credit card company.

The easiest way to do this is to use Google.

Simply enter your “card provider + address” into the search bar (without quotes) and that will bring up a list of results. As you can see below I have used Barclaycard as an example:

Barclaycard Address

Be sure that you are getting the information from the official website as third party websites may contain mistaken information which could mean your chargeback request goes to the wrong place & doesn’t get actioned. If you have any doubts then give your card-issuer a call using a known number & ask them directly which address you should send the request to.

2. Determine The Exact Details About The Payment

To be able to handle your chargeback claim your bank or card-issuer will need all the information about the payment(s) that you made. If you don’t provide this the first time around then you’ll be asked for more information which will increase the length of time your chargeback request takes so it’s best to provide everything in one go right from the very start.

You will need the following information:

  • Details of what you thought you were purchasing.
  • The date(s) of each payment that you made.
  • The company that you made the payment(s) to.
  • Proof of the payment(s) – such as a receipt, invoice or any emails received.
  • The total amount of each payment(s) that you made.

3. Compose Your Letter & Request a Refund

Once you’ve gathered all the information about the transaction(s) that you made your next step is to compose a letter & send it directly to your bank or card-issuer.

The first important thing you need to mention is that you are claiming for a refund under the Visa Chargeback Scheme rules, and the second important thing you need to mention is how you felt that the company were in breach of their contract. When it comes to binary options scams you were more than likely promised $XX and they didn’t deliver, which is a clear breach of contract.

Here is an example of a well composed chargeback letter that you model:

Sample Chargeback Letter

Your Next Steps…

Once you’ve sent the chargeback request of to your bank or card-issuer you should hear back from them with confirmation that they are pursuing the case. If you do not hear back then be sure to follow up with them to check on the progress of your claim to make sure that it hasn’t been overlooked.

Generally the chargeback claim will be dealt with fairly promptly & you should hear a response within around 60 days with further information as to whether or not it has been successful in your favour.

More than likely in this instance the chargeback will be successful, but if for any reason it is not then I would recommend that you refer to information I mentioned earlier in this post & seek the help of a legal adviser operating on a no-win no-fee basis. If the amount lost is under $500 then it’s likely that the case will be turned down as it will not be in the advisers interests to pursue it for such a small reward, but if it is over $1,000 then they may be willing to help you retrieve the money.

At the end of the day by choosing a no-win no-fee adviser you have nothing to lose & everything to gain so at the very least it’s worth asking.

I Wish You The Best of Luck

I do thoroughly hope that you are able to successfully retrieve any & all of the money that you lost to the hands of these crooks. Over the past couple of years I’ve heard so many stories of the devastating impacts these scams have had on peoples lives & it truly is terrible to see.

If you do decide to pursue a claim & make an attempt at getting your money back then please document the process in the comments below as I’m sure there’s many people who would appreciate to see how you’ve gone about it & the success that you’ve had. Also, if you are a victim of a binary options scam who has successfully managed to retrieve your money then please share details of exactly how you managed to do it to help other people out who are stuck in a similar situation.

Thank you for reading & I really hope that you found this information useful.

About the Author:
Born & raised in England, Dale is the founder of Living More Working Less & he has been making a living from his laptop ever since leaving his job as an electrician back in 2012. Now he shares what he's learned to help others do the same... [read more]
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188 thoughts on “Fallen Victim To A Binary Options Scam? Follow These 3 Easy Steps To Get Your Money Back”

  1. Binary options are group of rippers, being ripped off by the was an awful experience. A professional helped me out and I didn’t regret paying 10%.

    • Hi Dale, thank you very much for sharing your knowledge with us.We got scammed by Dalton Finance and deposited $41,000 in total. My husband did wire transfer for $25,000 last April. He also urged me to pay them $16,000 by my Visa debit card last Aug. My husband reached out to his bank and asked for a charge back a few days ago.His bank replied that it only can charge back from Dalton Finance’ bank after they obtain approval from Dalton Finance. How can we proceed in this situation since Dalton Finance of ccourse won’t approve the charge back? What other things or reasons I can persuasive the bank they are scam and what they did was illegal?

      • Hi Linda, in your situation I would recommend seeking financial advise. As mentioned in the post there is generally no reason you should need to pay a fee upfront as many lawyers will take on the case on a no-win-no-fee basis. Yes they will charge a percentage, but would you rather pay a percentage & have something or leave it & have nothing?

      • Hi Linda, Scammers tend to always have a good background story to tell you to make you invest in their platforms. I lost over $200k to TRADER XP.

    • Hi Edward,what is the name of the service company you used? The other charge back companies or law office charge 20-30% of fee which is too costly for us. Would you please give me the name and the phone number of the company? Many thanks. -Linda

        • Hi Edward: I’m so happy to have stumbled on this site and read your comments about the professional finance company who has succeeded in recuperating your losses from the BOT firm. (binary optioin)

          I’ve lost A LOT of money with 4 BOT firms and have been losing sleep in this entire year cuz I didn’t know if I could even recoup a penny, so i started googling and found your sharing herein :))

          can you kindly share with me the name of that company and the person/manager who helped you in this matter please? and where are they located would you know?

          your kind advice is greatly appreciated. Velda ๐Ÿ™‚

          • Hi Velda, sorry about your losses. a lot of us has been in your situation, don’t be mad at yourself.

    • I WAS scammed by Dalton Finance – binary options broker. what is the name of the firm that helped you recovered your deposit money?


  2. Hi Dale
    I have invested about $27000 tradorax and was promised to increase my finances. All was well until a 6 weeks ago, I was unable to log into my account. Tried contacting the broker with no avail, used their customer support still nothing. Emails sent to broker with no response. Will the claim under visa chargeback work for me?

  3. Hi Dale i need your Help ive invested into a company call Rbinary and they up my overdraft limit to ยฃ2500 and took ยฃ1800 of my credit card
    how can i recover this.

    May thanks
    Daniel Everall

    • Hi Daniel, you’ve left that comment on the blog post that I wrote which shows you step-by-step how you can go about reclaiming your money so I’m a little bit unsure as to what more you want me to add. Have you read the blog post? If you have & there’s something specific you need help with or something you are stuck with then let me know & I will do my best to help you.

  4. All my life I worked hard and never stopped, the aim at the end was to retire and rest during my old age. A family friend of mine introduced me to GT0ptions was so glad thinking that this way I could at least have my money work for me, the broker sounded so nice and helpful , on the other hand I was so gullible and kept investing more and more into Gt0ptions before I would know it my investment would total 410,000Gbp and then on my trading platform could visibly see that I had made an extreme profit of almost 390,000GBP, it was a thing of joy soon turned out to be my worst nightmare as I couldnโ€™t withdraw any part of this funds. I tried to speak to the broker who helped me but at this point he was nowhere to be found, even tried the police but was told they could be of no help, even tried to get a lawyer but was told my chances were slim to none of recovering my funds back it was the worst time of my life mostly in my old age. sorry to bore you with my experience but I came across a lawyer that claimed to be able to help me recover all of my funds back , was so sceptical having experienced the heartlessness of mankind by Gt0ptionsbut decided to give it a try and whoever is reading this I got my funds plus profits made back from GT0ptions. If youโ€™re out there and have lost money to any of this scam binary options investment brokers do contact a lawyer they will help you get your money back Good luck and thanks for letting me share my experience..

      • Unfortunately, I later discovered Ashley’s comment was spam as I noticed a link to a scam lawyer website which I later removed. Ashley was just trying to further con people who were looking to recover their funds.

  5. I have a dispute with BigOption trading in option.
    I have been trading with them for over 3 years.
    I spent a lot money and made good profit.
    The company did trade the same time with,me and made good profit
    So they took their share of winnings.
    But they do not want to give me my share of gprofit
    Can you help me. Get my rights.
    Thank you

  6. Hello,

    I have traded with a company called UFX and made me loose a lot of money. The company has a Cyprus registration and I learnt they work out of Israel. I would like to appoint a lawyer to recover my money, would you kindly send to my email names of law firms who can handle this case for me without paying upfront fees.

    Best regards,
    Kate & Adam

    • Hi Kate – most people seem to have had a good experience with the company I listed in my post so it might be worth having a chat with them to see if they can help you.

  7. I realized I had lost my pension funds to 72 Options when I tried to make a withdrawal and it was impossible. I hired a Professional from the company you recommended in your blog post who helped me recoup all my money. I want to share my experience to help other victims like me get their funds back without any hassle. I hope this helps others

  8. Well it seems a number of us have been taken in by Binary Option Trading!
    I have accounts with 2 BO traders. One seems completely transparent although I have yet to withdraw some funds, that will be in December 2017. By then I should have made approx. 50% on traded amounts.
    The second is rather more complicated. Trading was going well. I put money in and made withdrawals. We then reached an agreement that if I deposited in cash, profits etc ยฃ100,000 then they would match that with ยฃ150,000 of their money. My broker would trade that and then at pre-determined times I would withdraw money to fund a motor racing team to promote their company. Well all was seemingly OK, although no funds were withdrawn as the season had not started, until I received an e mail saying that my trader had been transferred to the USA and that he had passed my account to another trader with instructions as to what was to be done. This has all gone wrong since this an my account would seem to have gone up and down. I have now asked for the company to deposit my original funds plus a guestimation of what they have made on my money. I think I need to get in touch with Victoria who left a message on 3 October or can others help in recovering my money? Many thanks.

    • Hi Ian, I’m not quite sure why you are waiting until December 2017 to withdraw funds? I’m sorry but if you are still expecting to have made any sort of profit, think again – these companies are out to do one thing & one thing only… Take your money! I think you need to take action now & withdraw your funds, as I never recommend keeping a substantial amount of funds in online accounts (even with reputable companies) as they are always much safer held in your own bank account.

  9. Hi Mr Rodgers, I’ve been scammed by a company called London Option Exchange. And I’m trying to get a chargeback but I have no detailed evidence of the transactions. All I have is that I paid it to them. But I have no reference number or their account number as they asked for my debit card details and took it out of my account. I’ve spoken to my bank Natwest but they said they don’t have that information either. I’m at a lost as to how can get that information. Any suggestions will be welcome.

    • Hi, you don’t need a reference number or account details – as long as you have the amount you paid & the company you paid it to on your statement that is proof enough.

  10. I made my last deposit in March, but the binary options company was closed down in September, so I assume I’ve no luck in getting any money back at all.

  11. I need a no win no fee lawyer to help me get an investment of ยฃ11000 in binary options returned to me can anyone help

      • Graham was looking for a lawyer, he didn’t have one. You should follow the recommendations in the post above with regards to finding a lawyer as there are many scammers trying to take advantage by recommending fake lawyers online. I have to remove hundreds of comments each month from people trying to promote such scams.

  12. I have been useing TraderVC I put 10,000 in and made 7,661 but now I try to withdraw I had no contact from TraderVC. I have called may times and emailed they still don`t reply what should I do.

    • It’s unlikely that you actually made 7,661 – sadly these brokers often falsify the profits to keep you lured in. The fact that you’ve had no contact from them after requesting a withdrawal is very worrying & I’d now advise you follow the instructions outlined in this blog post. Hopefully it helps you.

  13. I invested nearly ยฃ30,000 with tradorax an profit was ยฃ240,000 which I can see now probably isn’t real. If I started in march an it only stopped in sept can I still get win charge back ? Thanks reading has helped

    • Hi Emily, yes unfortunately as per your assumption the profit most likely isn’t real, it’s just been a ploy to keep you pouring funds in. You’ll more than likely still be able to reclaim at least part if not all of the funds through a chargeback though yes ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. I was ripped off by a bogus broker recently, stoxmarket. I read your post and decided to to hire a recovery professional to get my funds back. Glad I’m finally out of this mess I thought I was never going to get it back. Thank you.

  15. Hi Dale, I was with TudorTrade and their contact team never responded. They were so active the few days of me trying the site advising me to take the bonus. I eventually did and I made over $95,000. I have deposited over $2000. If I win this case, will I get what I deposited, or do I get my whole amount of $95,000?

  16. To Victoria who posted on the 3rd October 2017. Congratulations on receiving your funds from 72Options. Could I please have the name and contact details of the Professional that you used to recover your “lost” funds as I am in a similar situation to you and I am anxious to recover my money which is in the region of forty thousand pounds?
    Dale has my email address which I asked him not to publish, however I would be happy for him to pass it onto you. Many thanks in advance.
    Regards David P.

  17. I have put some deposit in 72 Optins. But they said if they credit bonus to your account, your are not allowed to withdraw deposit unlesse finished a minimum trading volume of bonus amount X 15. So is it still possible for me to get back the money?

    • Hello Pugongying, the bonus offer is how they catch most people out. They know that most people will take the bonus credit, but in the terms of the bonus as you say they hide a disclaimer that says you will not be eligible to withdraw until you have traded a set amount of money. It is unlikely that you will be able to get your money back by requesting a withdrawal (even if you do meet the required amount) because usually this is just a tactic to part you with yet even more money. I’d suggest following the steps outlined in this post above because it sounds like you have potentially also fallen victim to the scam.

  18. I have also been scammed by 72 option & am interested in trying to recover my money. pls could you give my e – mail address to VICTORIA who posted OCTOBER 3, 2017 – 2:09 PM, – as I would like her advice on how to proceed with my situation TIA.

    • Hey Cat – did you the see the steps outlined above? It doesn’t matter which particular company you lost funds to the steps are exactly the same. Regardless I’ll reach out to Victoria & I’ll see if she’s willing to share the finer details on her specific situation. If she agrees, I’ll post them up on this page for you ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope that helps.

  19. Hi Dale, Thanks for your comprehensive account of this subject. I have been scammed by IG options London (Now isgx.com). I want to find an excellent UK Lawyer to recover all my lossess. No win no fee will be even better. Any recommendations please?
    Anyone else has been the subject of scam if IG options? Please shout out! I’m not going to rest until I hold them accountable for every penny I lost!!!

    • Hi Rajous – I’m sorry to hear about your misfortune. A lady did actually reach out to me quite a while ago via email regarding IG options, Sonia I believe she was called. The reason I remember it is because it was her who suggested MyChargeBack had helped her which is what made me decide to look into them. I’d recommend talking with them as I know they do offer a free consultation to determine whether or not they can help.

  20. Hi Dale,

    It’s so kind of you sharing your knowledge and answering all comments. Thank you

    I want to inquire about the possibility to recover funds lost for a binary broker (IQ option) they are regulated in Cyprus.

    My total loss touches 100K USD. I deposited my money over the last 10 months and did trades myself which mostly lost. Didn’t receive any bonuses. The reason I think I was scammed is that I noticed sudden price movements against my positions in the last few seconds before expiry and mainly on high amounts trades. I knew later on that they do have an algorithm to kind of manipulate charts in their favor.

    Kindly inform if you came across cases against this specific broker and if you think I might be eligible for a charge back.ย 


    • Hello Tafa, I have had messages from visitors who have successfully retrieved funds from IQ Option. I actually thought somebody left a comment on this blog post regarding them but I must be mistaken because after looking again I cannot see it. Anyway, yes the good news is I definitely recall hearing people successfully getting their money back from IQ Option & the other good news for you is that you didn’t accept any bonuses which generally puts you in better standing – this is because often if you accept their bonuses you will find the Terms & Conditions locks you in to trading a specific amount before being able to withdraw. So yes, you should be able to get your money back through a chargeback. ?

  21. Hi Dale

    very interesting what has been said here, i was with “mikesautotrader” via GT Options until recently when i tried to log in and found both sites to have completely vanished.
    Found the trading initially with mike to be okay, but then quickly noticed a pattern of losses emerging, so basically pulled away and just monitored the sites, only dipping in for a trade every 3 – 6 months – not ideal but this kept me in profit.
    Any way can you shed some light this situation .

    Many thanks ian

    • Hi Ian, yes – looks like you have also fallen victim to the scam. I don’t blame you though, I remember coming across Mikes Auto Trader myself & at a glance it was definitely a very convincing pitch. Especially since it was one of the systems that boasted more modest profits which made it seem more realistic. Since the websites have disappeared you’re only resort will be to file a chargeback as I imagine you now have no point of contact to try & request a refund. The fact that they’ve gone also highlights the fact you were conned.

  22. I’m glad I visited this website, I have just used the same charge back/recovery solutions that Victoria used. Great work Dale for providing binary options this platform to share their experience and save others from life threatening loss.

  23. Hi Dale, I invested $5,000 in Omenda Binary Option in July with my credit card, they insisted I take a bonus of $5,000 which I accepted. They also insisted that my Account Manager will trade for me and he deliberately lost most trades. I have sent several emails to them but I was told my Account Manager has been sacked. Can I get my money back under section 75 as I understand that chargeback is only for people who deposited with their debit card and it is over 120 since I made the deposit? Can I use the same template for section 75 claim?

    • Hi Shade, yes you should be able to get the money back through a Section 75 – I just use the term chargeback as a blanket term because essentially they are both very similar. Many companies offering fund recovery assistance will also often use the term chargeback but should be able to help with a Section 75 all the same. The good news is that if you paid with a credit card you likely have even more protection as they must be honored by law, similarly there is no time limit so yes, even if it’s over 120 days you’ll still be able to file a claim.

  24. I discovered I am being scammed by a broker called VIP brokers. They collected 700$ from my MasterCard, 4,000โ‚ฌ bank wire. When I called them to withdraw my deposit I told them that I am having financial issues. The broker told me that unless I deposit more money to complete the trading deal there will be no refund. I have applied for chargeback from my MasterCard for the 700$ which they said they are working on. I need help to start chargeback for the 4000โ‚ฌ. Thanks.

  25. Thanks for the info, I was scammed by company called 10 Brokers / Global FXM… Will do the charge back myself and keep my fingers crossed, lost $1200… I’m from South Africa.

    • You’re welcome – I hope you’re able to get it back as that’s quite a loss. Just remember though you can only run a chargeback once so make sure you prepare everything right the first time around (or of course enlist help if you’re at all unsure). Wish you all the best.

  26. Would anybody be able to put me in touch with professionals that could help me get back funds that have been stolen by binary options, if some one has been successful in retrieving funds could they let me know, how, and who they have used.

    Many thanks


    • Hi Mark maybe somebody sent you a link directly to the comments section here, have a read over the post above – that should help you in regards to retrieving your funds. Hope you get them back.

  27. Hi Dale,

    i have already submitted an inquiry with MyChargeback but i was hoping you could give me a little hope as i have lost approx 19000 pounds with greenfields capital. and for sure they seemed like a legitimate company to me for the longest time.
    My first deposit was on the 29th of September just gone and i have deposited other amounts since then on other dates, but in my case all the money i had in the account has gone over the last three months and i also fell for the bonus scam as well… Do you think in my case even though i actually did trade with them that i have a chance to get at least some of my money back?

    • Hi Ian, yes you should certainly be in a position to get your money back. Despite you trading with them it clearly sounds like they misled you & ultimately scammed you.

  28. As a warning to others – I found myself locked out of my trading account with Noble Capital House suddenly early December.

    I had previously received a couple of withdrawal payments which had given me some confidence that they might be legit.

  29. Hi Dale, I feel like I have scammed by a company called Binary Uno. I have deposited 3000 dollars and made $11,000 on investment. Only problem was that I could not withdraw the fund. They were saying things like you took our bonus money and you should be making 20* more of bonus money plus deposit or something. Apparently, it was on their terms & condition which I didn’t read carefully which was my mistake. But they never mentioned it to me before they offer bonus money and I donโ€™t think it is fair. I donโ€™t think they are licensed too. Would I still be able to get my money back? What should I do? Is this a scam or am I just stupid not reading T&C carefully?

    Thanks for your time.

    • Hi Hyo, whilst it is always vital to read T&C’s carefully (especially where investments are concerned), ultimately these companies should be making things very clear when it comes to being able to withdraw your money. It certainly sounds like you’ve fallen victim to a scam, and as a result I’d advise you follow the information in my post above – you should certainly be able to reclaim your funds because it sounds like you’ve been misled/misinformed.

  30. Hey Dale, i lost around ยฃ8000 from binary option (titantrade) and it was 3-5 years ago, do you think there is a chance of me getting the money back?

    • Hmm, that sure is a long time ago. I’m actually not too sure in that instance, but hey – there is certainly no harm in trying. I have my fingers crossed for you!

  31. Hi – was wondering if you’ve come about ‘universemarkets’ as a scam as I’ve just sent them a scolding mail about a withdrawal request which has been ‘processed’ a lot longer than the 7 workdays they take to do it… Which by the way is the slowest handling of any of the brokers I’ve been involved with!

    • Hi Peter – I haven’t actually written a full review of Universe Markets on my blog however I’ve just took a brief look at their website & I have to say it doesn’t look good. As far as I can see they are an unlicensed broker, and they have plenty of negative reviews elsewhere online. My advice to you would be to pressure them to process your withdrawal within a set amount of days & if they do not then I would escalate the claim via a chargeback instead. Hope you manage to get your money back.

  32. Hi Dale and all. I lost ยฃ3000 to a high pressure salesman at ‘Plus Option’ It completely damaged me moving forward. I was was embarrassed and ashamed so kept it too myself but have struggled to overcome the loss. I have recently found that there might be a chance to chargeback the money but I see you mention 120 days. The deposit was approximately 210 days and it was evident I’d been scammed around 200 days ago. Am I still in my right to attempt a chargeback or should I just do it anyway and see what comes of it.

    • Hi Karl, whilst generally the sooner you act the more chance you have of reclaiming your funds there would be no harm in pursuing a chargeback anyway & seeing what comes of it. If the company is still in operation then you will likely stand an even better chance of getting your funds back.

  33. Hi Dale, I have recently fallen into a trap just like those innocent people who have invested their life savings.

    Company called Daxmarkets – I’m not sure if you have come across them but I’ve co-operated as they asked and now when I send them emails or send messages to live chat they don’t respond at all.

    I’ve filed a chargeback with the bank, credit card company and sent them recorded conversation of what they promised me on the phone. They manipulated me to sign agreements so the company can get away with it but prior to that I have them recorded saying the withdrawal requests will be approved.

    Is there any chance of this being successful?

    • Hi Shaed, it sounds like you managed to gather quite a bit of evidence which is always a good thing, and it does definitely sound like you have been scammed here. I would imagine that one way or another based off what you said you should be able to get your funds back yes ? I have my fingers crossed for you at least & do hope you get your money back.

  34. Hello Dale,

    Over the last two years I deposited little over 10k for trading with FINRALLY binary options, but kept losing the money… Because of the last few seconds of price manipulation and dramatic charts pattern changes. A few months ago I notified such malfunctions to my account manager, but he denied and said everything is fair. Funny thing my winning trades didn’t add the money into my trading account; and after a while strike price, expiry price chart patterns and in some cases expiry times of the trades are changed.
    I did accept some bonuses from time to time..
    Please tell me if I’ll be able to get my money (original deposits) back…
    And if yes !! How long will that process will take…

    • Hi Nazir, I’m sorry to hear that you too happened to get drawn in by a broker – and of course sorry to hear about the funds you lost as well. Honestly, I could not say for certain as to whether or not you will be able to retrieve your funds but there is only one way to find out & that is to try. I suggest you follow the steps documented in the post above. With regards to how long the process will take, honestly it varies completely case to case so again there is no real solid answer here… You will just have to try & find out – it’s better than not doing anything at all.

  35. Hi Dale

    I was scammed by a stupid fake broker in June 2016 who was called by name 53option/53capitaltrade

    I have lost in total ยฃ22300 pounds now they have gone in liquidation, what could I possibly do to get back my hard earned money.


    • Hi Mahendra, sorry to hear that. Based on your situation I would still suggest following the steps outlined above in my post – you will likely have a good fighting chance of getting your money back.

  36. Hello Dale

    On Feb. 11th I commented that how I was scammed.
    I was ready to take a long walk to recover my money.
    with your advice within two weeks I got all my money back.
    I don’t have words to thankyou for your unconditional help and support.
    Now I am a happy camper……!!!!

  37. Thanks for the recommendation for MyChargeBack. I was scammed and used them and was very satisfied. They got my money back.

  38. Hello Dale,

    Such a useful forum here! I had a few quid with Dax but after reading Shaed’s note I won’t give in to putting more in! My Solid CFD account was transferred to Dax as I wasn’t doing anything. They said they had increased my ยฃ250 to about ยฃ600 but needed another ยฃ250 Because of special events happening. I’m very suspicious now, especially having lost 3k to iTrader. I registered with them but had no time to learn the ropes. Having refunded my ยฃ1k due to inactivity, the next day they forced the Webtrader forex on to me and within three days the whole lot was gone because of their phone commands regarding trades that were losing. I have spoken to MyChargeback in New York who said I can get my money back for sure. Should I switch to the English office if there is one?

    One feels so stupid and greedy having been taken in and submitted to these robbing “brokers” who aggressively promise to get thousands into your tiny bank balance.

    • Hi Ingrid – that definitely sounds suspicious. If they really have increased your balance to ยฃ600 then why on earth would they need extra money? It just doesn’t add up & sounds a lot like the typical broker trickery if I’m being honest. Regarding MyChargeback I believe they operate everything out of their NY office but they themselves will be able to give you the best advice on that front as I’m not entirely sure myself. I hope you get you get it all sorted ?

  39. Hi Dale

    Thank you for posting such useful information? Do you know if chargeback could be claimed not only to card payments but also wire transfer? I sent some money by wire transfer and not sure if I can do chargeback on that. If you have information on that I would really appreciate it.

    • Hi Alma, unfortunately as far as I’m aware wire transfers are not protected like typical payments are – often scammers will push you into making wire transfers for this very reason.

  40. Hi Dale. Unfortunately as everyone else there I have deposited $22000 with Littinvest unlicensed traders. As soon as I realised it’s a scam I stopped Trading and requested a money back and termination of agreement. But they are not responding to my phone calls and emails. I am just devastated as they made me to take a loan to invest and I used credit cards as well.

    • Really sorry to hear about that – especially the fact that you actually went into debt to trade with them. I sincerely hope my post above helps you get your money back & I wish you the best of luck.

  41. Dale
    I think i have been scammed by a company called Trader VC. I have deposited all my savings and now they have disappeared, I cannot get hold of anyone via any means. I have invested ยฃ29,000, I have recent Skype conversations promising me I could get money back and that my balance has grown to over ยฃ45,000 – that was last week and now I could end up with nothing. I have contacted My Charge Back and am waiting for a call, but will they deal in the UK? I am worried I have lost everything. Thanks.

    • Hi Ian, in my opinion it does look like you’ve potentially fallen victim to a scam. Pretending that your funds have increased is a common trick used by scam brokers to encourage you to deposit more, then as you say they’ll simply disappear once they’ve got as much money from you as they can. MyChargeBack should definitely be able to help you though, I know I’ve had somebody contact me from the UK who said they were able to successfully recover their funds thanks to them so I have my fingers crossed for you too. I suggest you just have a chat with them & they’ll let you know exactly what they can do for you – best of luck. ๐Ÿ™‚

  42. Hi
    Greenfields Capital are also on the naughty list, I notice that your letter is addressed to Visa. Does this also apply to Mastercard?
    I noticed they kept trying to get to me to agree to terms and Conditions and when I looked at their trading address there were 3 in total. i have taken pictures of the addresses on my computer. i am livid with this company. I cannot even call them so have had to send an email to all the people that have emailed me. This is soooo stressful

  43. I think Iโ€™ve been scammed ยฃ25K by a company called Ivory Options. I took bonus and traded on broker recommendation secure (insured) options which all lost. Money was paid back into what I believe was a virtual account and traded again, some won, most lost and insurance paid out but small print says must trade 25x volume of insured loss and bonus paid. Trades taken over by broker and account looked like it was making money but no profits could be taken. Now I can’t talk to anyone on phone or live chat! Canโ€™t log in to account either! Money deposited in ยฃ5K lumps over 2 years ago! Looking for option to recover money! Company Ivory Options not regulated in the UK

    • Yep, definitely sounds like you’ve fallen victim to the scam – I would highly recommend taking action ASAP rather than waiting around hoping they will come through with your “profits”. The steps above in this post should hopefully help you out but if you have any queries don’t hesitate to ask – I’ll do my best to help ๐Ÿ™‚

  44. I realised within a week that the trading company I opened an account with is fraudulent. I disputed the amount without any delay within one week of investment. My gut feelings as they were not accepting withdrawal made me take a step back.

    My bank is taking too long as the merchant is persisting they have not breached the terms and conditions. At that time I was not told about their unrealistic terms and conditions as they were on their website hyperlinked…

    Now itโ€™s hard for me to justify that they havenโ€™t informed me about unrealistic terms and conditions.

    Any help will be appreciated. The online traders I am dealing with are called Greenfield Capitals.

    • Hi Muhammad, if the terms & conditions are totally unrealistic then even if you accepted them you should still have a case because ultimately it sounds like they have just tricked & taken advantage of you. If you haven’t done so already I simply recommend following the steps outlined above – that should move things along.

  45. I’ve opened trading account with PrimeCfds last year in May and lost over ยฃ6000. They offered a bonus, training and a coach who was telling which trades to open and it wasn’t always successful. Even when I had a profit it was impossible to withdraw the money. Later I found out that you have to reach a certain level to be able to withdraw (impossible to achieve and they never mentioned about that before) And I couldn’t even close my account. They constantly forced me to trade and that they will help me to recover the money.

    I have debts now, loan to pay back because of that and I only work part time and have 4 year old daughter. My family is broken – my husband moved out of the house because of that. It was my biggest mistake an if there will be a chance to recover at least something it would probably make my life easier. Is it possible to get the money back?

    • Hi Joanna, I would say yes – it sounds to me like you have a very good chance of getting your money back by following the steps I’ve outlined above. I would advise taking action ASAP though because the longer you leave it the worse the position you’ll be in to pursue a claim.

  46. Hi Dale, I’m pretty certain I have been scammed by xmarkets. I put in ยฃ5000 and lost the lot. I was persuaded that I could get it back and I did get around ยฃ800 back but the broker said I’d get it back quicker if I opened more windows which meant more cash. Altogether I have lost around ยฃ14000 some of which was on credit cards and some on my debit card. Do I stand a chance of getting anything back? I only did this is May/June 2018.

  47. Hi my BIGGEST problem are a scam trader called Coinstrader. I invested with credit card payments for Bitcoins through a company called Bitsale based in Cyprus, sent from Bitsale to the brokers platform, they made profits.. when it came to withdraw, nothing, no phone calls, emails nothing.. How can I get this money back and tell the world to leave this well alone?

    • Hi David, sorry to hear about what’s happened. The steps that I’ve outlined above should definitely help you get your money back… And with regards to telling the world to leave them alone, I will take a closer look into Coinstrader & Bitsale personally & I will publish my findings here on my blog to warn others if there is indeed something untoward going on. ? Like I say though, follow the steps above & you should be able to get your money back for sure.

  48. Hi. I invested with what was sold to me as HFT trading. Minimal risk and small trades – but on a very large, significant investment. Promised a minimum of 24% profit after 12 months, at which point I could withdraw it. This money was everything I had following an accident that left me disabled for life. Everything about the company seemed to check out at the time. It now turns out the original company were based in Israel – not London! And the new company that’s taken over is in Switzerland! I feel like such a fool – and I’ve let my children down badly. This led to me having a nervous breakdown and a suicide attempt last month.
    I made the transactions via bank transfer. Please tell me there is something I can do.
    I live on disability payments… which just about keeps our heads above water. I’m really struggling and can’t see a way out. I am on very heavy opiod medication for my pain, and now for my mental state, which affects me absorbing information properly or following complex instructions. Prior to the accident I was a high flyer :/ Thank you. I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.

    • I’m extremely sorry to hear about your situation. I would definitely recommend you seek professional help if you have indeed made such a large investment, especially if you have problems absorbing information. I sincerely hope you manage to get your money back.

  49. Hello Dale, Going through the comments here i noticed i wasn’t the only victim of binary option investment scam. I tried trading back in the year 2015 with Gtoptions and some other binary options and the truth is i lost over 200k in investments to them but got help from MyChargeBack and i can testify and recommend they can help anyone here.

    • Wow that’s a lot of money to lose! But I’m so glad you were able to get it back & thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment I really appreciate that.

  50. I lost ยฃ70000 to a Binary Options firm and would wish to seek a professional help. Please, could Victoria (3rd October 2017 blog) and Ashley Morrison (28th September 2017 blog) help me out with details.

  51. I have been scammed by Credo Trade (Dantra Business Inc trading) of ยฃ70,000. They work in collaboration with UPay Card (UPC Consulting Ltd), Moorwand Management Ltd, etc. The deposits were all made through wire transfer to a bank called Kobenhavns Andelskasse, Denmark.
    I kept talking about wanting to learn how to trade and if I could have an arrangement to have this done in their London office face-to-face (say once a month) which will also serve as an opportunity to see him (at least to know what my broker looks like) but they were not interested in any of that saying that that will be done later in the year when I become a VIP client (deposit of ยฃ100, 000 minimum) and itโ€™s less busy (April to October are the busiest period of the year).
    When I risk-assessed the possibility I could be scammed, I made a full equity withdrawal request for the full deposit amount plus profit made. To this request, nothing has been done by Credo Trade. I have been calling them ever since but with no positive response from Credo Trade and their cohorts apart from automated email responses.
    I am of the view that the Credo Trade website is a fronting website for trading and financial matters but behind the scene is fraudulent, criminal, clandestine activities.

  52. Hello Dale,

    I have deposited almost ยฃ100,000 in bits and pieces into high low binary options of which I usually trade on my own without any advice from their office . Needless to say Iโ€™ve lost almost everything. However if there is any winning and I ask for a withdrawal , it is usually granted within 24hrs.
    My question is that do I stand any chance of getting my lost money back considering the trades were not due to any advice they have but just my own opinion.
    Thank you

    • Yes you do, because ultimately you have been scammed all the same. Even though they didn’t advise your trades, their whole system has still been “make believe”. You were not really trading, they were just making it seem that way… So essentially you were just playing a video game with the belief that you were actually trading & that is good enough reason for you to be able to get your money back. ?

  53. Hi Dale… Thanks for creating this site. I have, embarrassingly lost over ยฃ600k with 6 different binary options companies since Nov 2016. The main scoundrel was GTP capital where most of the funds were transferred by bank wire. Despite them providing email confirmation that I would definitely receive 30% of my account balance on 6th June 2017 nothing was received. I was passed onto another co scammer of theirs where they insisted I deposited a further ยฃ121k to fully liquidate my account. I did not do this. Since then 2 of the other 6 brokers emptied my accounts overnight after I placed a full withdrawal request. Surely, I am not the only person to be scammed by the same companies and why cannot the authorities share information about the real owners of these companies fro. Legal firms, who must know the identity of people involved. On a final note, if it wasn’t for Facebook advertising these scam companies to entice you into get rich quick schemes none of us would be in this dire situation. Many thanks for listening.

    • Hi Shai, thanks for your comment. I believe GTP capital has been mentioned several times, so I assume they are one of the more “popular” culprits & you are definitely not alone in being scammed by them. Sadly though the people behind the companies are very clever & they will have no doubt made themselves extremely hard to trace. Then, even if they were traceable – it is not as easy as you say for a legal firm to just share their details due to data protection laws etc. The good news though is that even if the people cannot be traced, there will be a paper trail in terms of where the money has been sent which is why card companies/banks should be able to assist to a good degree. I also appreciate what you are saying about Facebook – yes, they should have better checks in place as to what they do & don’t allow… But again, the people behind these scams are VERY clever & they come up with several “sneaky” ways to get their stuff advertised on Facebook. At the end of the day it all comes down to the good old saying that “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is”.

  54. Hi Dale
    I lost about ยฃ9k to an online trading company called Jones Mutual. Money was transferred to an account, of which I still have the account number and sort code, but my bank have said they canโ€™t get that back. They are currently in the process of trying to get some of the other money back which I had deposited on the site. Do I have a case, though, if I was the one who made the deposits and was convinced to sign verification forms and documents?

    • Yes, you have a case – either way you have been scammed out of your cash. It doesn’t matter what you signed or did, the guys behind it tricked you into parting with your cash.

  55. hi dale i have been scammed by a broker called steve chambers who worked for a company called cryptonash since march untill he vanished 3 weeeks ago with 20k of my money i have invoices of all deposits printed off emails and capital protection paperwork they sent me on emails. money deposits to cryptonash went to a company called zoomtrader first i am waiting on reply from my credit card company .what are my chances of getting my money back

  56. hi, has anyone dealt with Ashfordinvestment? they also use bonus to prevent from withdrawing, I deposited about 20.000gbp, made 100.000 then been told that I have to make 250.000 to be able to make a withdrawal: (that’s when I started losing). At the moment I have 20.000 left where 19.000 is a bonus I did not ask for. So the question is, can I still get my 20.000 back via chargeback? Or only 1000 which is left? thanks for help

    • It doesn’t matter is or isn’t in your account, the money you will be getting back is the money that you have invested. So any payments you have actually made, these are what you’ll be able to dispute & reclaim.

  57. Hello Dale,

    I have a colleague at work who invested with Secured options with about 58,000GBP . he has been trying to get in contact with his agent for 3 weeks until recently MyChargeBack team stepped into his case and has currently recovered 32,000 GBP ongoing and they have assured him of recovering the full money. I just want to thank you for what you have done for providing a platform for us to voice out our feelings.

  58. I can relate to the article because i have been scammed out $45k by Magnum options and I almost lost my life when I realised I’ve been scammed by this unregulated brokers. You should investigate any one of this companies before investing with them.

  59. Hi Dale, Have you heard of MyChargeBack and the services they offer. I lost about $31k to Magnum Options and I am thinking of hiring them to recover my money. It was recommended by my neighbour, he say the administrator works on the Cysec board. Thank you.

    • Hi, yes – I’ve heard of them & I’ve also heard several success stories from people who’ve used them. I’m not sure about the administrator working on the Cysec board as your neighbour says but it could certainly be true I have no reason to doubt it.

  60. I lost a considerable part of my pension to a binary option company named Ashford Investments. Thanks to your help I have managed to get the majority of it back. Very grateful.

  61. Hi dale,
    Ive been reading lots of peoples experiences and have pretty much realised i have been a victim of a scam through MARKETS TRADING i have been working with them for about a year now and have now heard nothing but bad press and comments about them,it now says they are not operating in my area,allthough it says they are based in london ! but i think they are linked to bulgaria ! it still lets me go onto my account from which i have started acting on over the the last few weeks and have actually been winning lots of trades recently and to date it says i have 330.000 euros in my account and no way to make a withdrawal,i feel like i may just be playing a computer game!! i am hoping your system and contacts may help and any advice is much appreciated,
    many thanks ian.

    • Hi Ian – if you have no way to make a withdrawal then it does indeed sound like you are just playing a video game. I would urge you to stop & seek the withdrawal of your funds ASAP – regardless of whether or not you are “winning”. Often scam binary options brokers are known to just falsify the profits to get you to deposit even more… But ultimately they’ll just leave you to discover the hard way that it’s all been a big con.

  62. I believe I have been scammed out of a large sum of money by a company called Algotechs/Bealgo.
    I saw an ad on Facebook for a company called Algotechs (based in London). They operate an automated trading system using a broker called Bealgo (supposedly based in Bulgaria but I believe that Algotechs and Bealgo are the same and based in the UK) also known as B.A.X Ltd. Although the company I was investing with is called Bealgo, when I made the credit card payments it said on my card statements that the payments were made to EW Trading Finance (based in Durham UK) โ€“ company no. 07664160.

    I started investing. It worked well and showed good profit on my on-line trading platform. I invested more and more over the period mostly by credit card. I also made some deposits by wire transfer. They let me make the odd small withdrawal.

    All was well until November 2018 whenI tried to withdraw a large sum. The money left my trading platform but didnโ€™t appear in my credit card account. I contacted them and after a while they replied. They basically said that they couldnโ€™t process the withdrawal due to problems with a Danish bank called Kobenhavns Andelskasse. They said that this bank had been taken over by the Danish financial regulator and its assets were frozen. I contacted the authorities in Denmark and found out that that was indeed true โ€“ but that Bealgo was not a client of the bank and therefore the people I spoke to in the bank in Denmark did not believe that the situation with the bank should prevent Bealgo from giving me my money. It would appear that the only connection between Bealgo and Kobenhavns Andeskasse is via a UK company called UPayCard who appear to process transactions for them. UPaycard is an FCA registered company in the UK (reg. no. 900709) it is also known as Moorwand LTD. The payments I made by wire transfer were to UPC Consulting Ltd (company no. 10789505) which has the same (sole) Director and address as UPayCard which also happens to be the same address as Algotechs (St. Mary Axe London England EC3A 8BF UNITED KINGDOM).

    I did further research and it seems that Bealgo is not a bona fide company. They are not licensed or registered with the trading authorities and therefore cannot have access to the markets. So I paid money for something I didnโ€™t get โ€“ trading on the stock market. It appears that many people are scammed by these type of companies โ€“ all is fine until you try to withdraw large sums (they did allow occasional small sums as a confidence booster). The trading platform is simply a demo account which is linked to and mimics the actual stock exchange but is not real โ€“ Bealgo controls the figures not the market. They can show profits or losses as they please.

    • Sorry to hear about that Chucky, but thanks for the comment – really insightful & shows the extreme lengths these brokers/trading platforms will go to in order to part people with their cash. Great job on the investigating front, and I agree with you that they are likely all part of one… As you say, essentially these people are just giving you access to “video games” that simulate the stock market & you’re only left to discover that the hard way when you try to make a large withdrawal. Whilst unfortunately it’s of no real benefit to you now, thankfully it seems the crackdown has worked as there only a VERY small amount of binary brokers still left in operation, and many people are now much more aware thanks to all of the blogs that have been published. Either way I do hope you manage to successfully retrieve your funds.

  63. Hi, can someone please to tell me if i have a chance to recuperate my money from Investigpro?
    Iโ€˜m located in Italy. What i should do?
    Thank you

    • Regardless of the broker you invested via the steps are exactly the same as the ones outlined above – have a read through the post & it should help you out. If you have any questions about anything else don’t hesitate to ask ๐Ÿ™‚

  64. i was trading binary option with anyoption since 2015 till 2016
    i lost around 12,000 Euro through the fraud of my account managers, recommend losing trades and so on

    i read some news that any option has closed the site and the business around 7/2018 due to violation and manipulating the trades to be loss.

    i do not have any proof that anyoption is a scammer, i just heard about it.

    1- from your experience in the market, is really anyoption is proved to be a fraudulent/scammer ?
    2- if yes, are there any chance to get some money back although i do not have proof for scamming ?
    thank you for your advice

    • Hi Pizo, based on what you’ve said in my opinion it does sound like AnyOption were running a scam – and if you have lost money, then this is all the proof you need. I suggest follow the steps above ASAP & begin making progress on getting your money back before too much time passes.

  65. Hi Dale,
    I have been scammed by TradeToro an online crypto trading company to the tune 100k Euros.
    Apart from MyChargeBack which seems to come highly recommended, are there any other money recovery companies and that have had similar success? I’d be interetsed to hear about any UK based companies that do what MyChargeBack do please.

    Thank you,

    • Hi Paul, I’m sorry to hear that you lost so much. Sadly though at this time I am not personally aware of any other similar companies that do what MCB do.

  66. I was scammed by NADEX Investments who are no longer on the website now? โ€œSuspendedโ€ It was an investments which I and many other friends thought they were genuine. I invested $6000 and when u went to withdraw was told to wait for the exchange rate to get better and that was just over a week ago. Iโ€™m devastated, my husband and I argue everyday and he is threatening to leave me as this amount was our savings as he has no income. Monies went through Coinbase in order to reach their account . Is there any way you can help or guide me pls . Solicitors are too expensive.
    Thank you

    • If the money went through CoinBase then I am going to assume you have made payments through some sort of cryptocurrency & if that is indeed the case then sadly it will be much more difficult to recoup your lost funds. Cryptocurrency payments are extremely hard to trace as there is no real trail as to whom it is being sent to & from. I mean sure, I can see cryptocurrencies uses – but I’ve never really liked it for this reason. Too risky IMO.

  67. Hi Dale, We have just been scammed 100k euro’s by Trade Toro.
    Approx ยฃ60,000 of this was sent via wire using Transferwise the rest was via debit card. It sounds like we can try to recover the funds transferred via debit card but has anyone had any success with recovering funds that are wired? We live in the UK if anyone has experience that will help us.
    Thanks in advance

    • I know direct wires are much more difficult to reclaim, however with you mentioning that they were made through Transferwise maybe there is some hope. I would advise speaking with a professional as they will soon be able to help you ๐Ÿ™‚

  68. I have just read through all the posts on this site and your helpful advice. I too have been treated badly by a company called Brighter Trade. I recently sent a payment which went to Coinbase. My bank tried to get the money back but was unsuccessful, is there any other way of recovering this loss.

    Please do not use my name when you reply. Many thanks for you help.

    • Hmm – it seems weird that they’ve gotten you to pay Coinbase directly, I’ve never heard of that before. Usually they get you to buy cryptocurrency at Coinbase, then transfer the cryptocurrency as those transactions are irreversible. If as you say they’ve requested you send money to Coinbase (and you haven’t actually transferred any cryptocurrency) then just get in touch with Coinbase, they should be able to assist.

  69. I have been scammed by Jones Mutual company a binary trader I now realise.
    How can I get my funds back – some of which I think is still available, but most seems locked into a negative trading spiral – and the reason they say they can’t pay me.. keep wanting me to trade my way out of the deficit. so scary..its my mortgage too.

  70. Good Day. I have deposited my money for Binary Trading in April 2017 to a company called CFD Corporate and CFD Stocks. My money amounted to $4650.00. Will I be able to recover my money or I am too late. I paid with my Visa Credit Card. Please I need an advise soon as I am in a terrible debt. I also put the money on PWRTrade. In them I had put $1450.00.

    • That is indeed a long time ago, however the best option is to contact your card issuer & see if there’s anything they can do to help. They may be aware of ongoing cases against the companies if there has been a high number of complaints through which you might be able to recover funds.

  71. Hello. I lost a lot of money with a binary options broker. I chose a Lawyer who tried to find an out of court settlement but they refused. Maybe the Lawyer could do something more? Do you know some good Lawyer “no win no fee”?

    • Yep they will likely refuse as they will be expecting you not to pursue it. Your lawyer should have discussed with you whether or not the case should be pursued (and why).

  72. I invested in trustFx with $300usd and the trader insisted on depositing more money so I went and did the trades myself right now there is about 6k in profit but their are saying I must make an upfront payment of 20% to some other bank for my withdrawal to go thru . Why canโ€™t they just deduct it from my profits? Pls )help

    • Because you don’t have any profits – the whole thing is a scam. They’re claiming you need to pay more to make a withdrawal because they’re still just trying to scam more money from you.

  73. Hi I lost my $100 usd less than a week ago now they are demanding another $250 usd from me.. I am very poor and they traded until its gets to $750 usd now they said they will take all the money and not refund my $100 back… Please help me.. Help me if you know anyone who can help.. Please I beg in the name of God.

  74. I got conned by Tradeltd for ยฃ10,000. I am so desperate to recover my money. I lost all my pension savings. Can you please suggest any other law firms who can help me. I live in London. Please help.

  75. Hi Dale
    I have been scammed by 10cfds and I reported to the bank making the procedure of chargeback.At the same time I contacted mychargeback company and they ask a low upfront fee
    plus 20-25% of the recovered amount.What is your opinion on which is the best way to proceed

    thank you

  76. A Guy who’s name is Frank John khoury texted me about BINARY OPTIONS TRADING he promised me to get a amount of R35455 in 7days if I deposit R2000 he also provided me his Trading license and I trusted him I fall in then I made a deposit of R2000, after 2 days he told me to deposit R3700 to update the trading.. I did make it, after 7days he told me to deposit R2800 for withdrawal fees, I was so happy waiting for my profit notification into my Bank account sadly that he texted me to deposit R1800 for approval because my withdrawal declined, I was lost and hopeless I asked my Sister to borrow me the money and promised her get it back in few hours, after that he proclaimed that my money is successfully transferred it will appear on my Bank account after 24 hours I waited more than 2days, I texted him asking my money he said my money is reversed due to intercountry I must pay R3000 for a lawyer to sign the form for me so that my withdrawal transfer will be successful because Bitcoin currency is not for government then from the I started to see red flag mean that I dealing with a Scammer here…

    I need help please to refund my lost money ๐Ÿ™

  77. I recently have gotten involved in the binary options trade world, and have been scammed 3 times already. Thankfully it has not been a lot of money.
    The first scam was by cryptotradertrust.com. I made an initial investment of $100 in bitcoin, purchased from moon.io. Everything was going good, showing profit, etc., until I wanted to withdraw. Then I was told I had to pay several different fees, totaling about $450. I reviewed the T & C’s, and there was not any mention of withdrawal fees, just had to pay commission. When I brought this up to the broker “Lisa Brooks”, I was told that “this is how it works”. Red Flags went up immediately, and I continued trading texts with “Lisa”. It finally came down to me getting called several choice names I will not mention here, and a 2 a.m. video call from “Lisa”. Of course it wasn’t “Lisa”, but a Nigerian, calling me more choice names. I hung up, and he has since changed the look of his website, but it is still under the same name.

    The second one is from KeyCoinMarkets.com. The broker “Joyce” was very nice and pleasant to deal with. Like a dummy, I invested $200 in bitcoin. Got my account set up, and it took a couple days to start showing “profit”, but it eventually did. When it reached a decent amount, I asked “Joyce” for a withdrawal, and was told to contact the company directly. I have sent several messages through the website and the chat option on the website, without any response. The weird thing about this is, “Joyce” stays in contact with me and insists this is not a scam. She told me that the company told her that they have contacted me. Not true. Then I am told the company will be in touch soon. Not true. Still hashing this one out.

    The third one is one for the ages. I contacted this one because it “seemed” legit. Great website, “regulated by the CFTC”. After discussing the platform, I decided to invest. I told them I only had $100 to invest. I was told that was acceptable because it was my first trade with them. They had a minimum of $300, so I was grateful they accepted my initial investment. After a few days I log into my account, I see that my trade has not started, so I contact them, and told that my trade will not start until I have “topped” of my account. By this, they mean adding another $200 to my account, making it the$300 minimum required by them. I don’t have that I told them, so they told me that I would have to wait the trade out, which would take about 6 months.

    I am now so scared to invest any money anymore. I am unemployed and saw these opportunities as a chance to better my financial future, instead, it has jeopardized it. Can I initiate a charge back? I purchased the btc through moon.io, and then gave the scammers the btc. So technically, the charges will show moon.io for the charges, but the btc went to the scammers.
    Thanks for reading.

    • If you’ve paid in cryptocurrency then you’ve got an extremely slim chance of getting your money back, unfortunately. That’s one of the biggest risks of using cryptocurrency.

  78. Hi i think i was scam by binoptrading
    I was lost in N$ 31876.00 i am a pensioner thy ask time to time for more money to transfer my profit i do that but nothing come through. What must i do i lost my car everytjing.

  79. Hi my wife was also fall in his money make trap.
    She lost 15500.00 N$
    What must we do to get the money back we put in.


    Johannes Jacobus voges

  80. Hello have a nice day sir.i need help to be back my mony plss.i was one year ago when I work in kuwait I’m started to attend.first I lost at 700 dinar..and now I’m here at abudhabi I transfer here I send 4.000dirhams.for my activation fees to the bank they till me I get my profit at 30.000USdolar.then now they want again mony have need it again.i dnt know what the hell supposed to be maen at all..I dnt want send again bcus I have a big lost mony.plss help me

  81. Hello Dale, I need your help . Please guide me on what to do. I can’t use the charge back because they let me send my money to different persons thru Western Union or GCash. These platforms that I’m investing keep on telling me to send more money so I can withdraw my profit. Can you please introduce me to someone who can help me that will retrieve my money with no paying upfront? In one platform I invested US$4500. 00 and my profits is US$11,800.00 . Sonce I invested in this platform I haven’t received a single cent from them. In the other platform., I have sent US$1650.00 When I was about to withdraw, my account manager told me to open a Trust Wallet because I will have my profits there. So I opened, It has more thsn US$26,000.00 but then I can’t still withdraw until I send the transfer fee that is 10%.of it. This time I think I’m really scammed. My first account started February last year. The second started March ladt year.

  82. Hello Dale,
    The first platform that I invested is now gone but my account manager is still contacting me. The server in my second platform is not working., so my account manager let me open a new account., but untill now they didn’t transfer my investment from my old account to my new account. The money in my Trust Wallet was growing untill it reached more than US$52,000. 00, and iwas gone or only US$1.98.00 left My account manager said that it will be back when I send the money for the Key. Many weeks passed., my money in my Trust Wallet was growing until it had more than $36,000.00 in it. Then again only more than $1.00. Now it’s growing., and growing but I can’t withdraw.

  83. I put money into a binary account with Quantitas Options on 16th May 2016 they inturn became
    Bull Markets and First Sovereign all of whom are no longer, however the money left on the Platform remain mine, I understand that you have to pay for a TRLAN (Trade Reference Licence
    Agreement Number ) a 16 digit starting A. Firstly where can this TRLAN be purchased and
    just how can it be used to get the funds which I believe are held by the NatWest Bank- Where?

    • Hi Normal, the “Trade Reference Licence Agreement Number” is just a further part of the scam. Such a number doesn’t really exist & it is just an additional way that they’re trying to get money from you.


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