Multiple Income Funnel Review – Scam? Here’s Why I Recommend You Don’t Join

Born & raised in England, Dale is the founder of Living More Working Less & he has been making a living from his laptop ever since leaving his job as an electrician back in 2012. Now he shares what he's learned to help others do the same... [read more]

Earlier today, I happened to land on a website named Multiple Income Funnel & as the promotional video started playing I immediately recognized the voice of Mack Mills, a well-known internet marketer.

Multiple Income Funnel Website ScreenshotThe system stated that I could allegedly sign up & begin generating commissions from 4 different income streams all on 100% auto-pilot, even if I was completely new to making money online.

But is it actually legit?

Or is Multiple Income Funnel a scam?

Well, after taking a closer look into it I can tell you that it’s not exactly a “scam” as such, but in this Multiple Income Funnel review, I’ll be uncovering why I don’t recommend you join.

Plus, I’ll also be sharing information on what you can do instead.

What Is Multiple Income Funnel?ย  ย |ย  ย Who Is Mack Mills?ย  ย |ย  ย How Does Multiple Income Funnel Work?ย  ย |ย  ย The Problemsย  ย |ย  ย Is Multiple Income Funnel a Scam? ย  |ย ย  A Better Alternative

What Is Multiple Income Funnel?

Multiple Income Funnel is a brand new “online business opportunity” that’s been put together by an online marketer named Mack Mills & it promises to provide you with a way to begin generating commissions, all on 100% auto-pilot.

Essentially, the Multiple Income Funnel website leads you to believe that you will be able to simply sign up & begin making money, and it even suggests that you can make $1,000’s per day…

Without doing at work at all.

But I think you’ll agree, that’s a pretty bold claim.

You see, there are many legitimate ways that you can earn money online – but in over 8+ years of working full-time online, I have never seen a method that worked 100% on auto-pilot.

If there was such a thing, I would be using it myself.

But regardless, Mack (the creator of Multiple Income Funnel) claims that if you pay him $49/mo, he will custom build you the exact same website that he uses to generate an auto-pilot income.

Pretty generous of him, right?

In return for $49/mo, he is going to custom build you a website that generates $1,000’s all on complete auto-pilot.

As you can imagine, there is a catch & I will explain exactly what that is in a moment, but first let’s take a closer look at who Mack Mills actually is so that you can get a better idea of what’s going on here.

Who Is Mack Mills?

Mack Mills is an online marketer that typically promotes things in the “online business opportunity” space & he’s certainly made a lot of money throughout his career. 8-figures, as per his own claims.

However, a quick Google search of his name reveals that he has also built up a pretty negative reputation.

The reason for that is because Mack Mills is behind several “make money” systems, such as:

And they all make over-hyped, unrealistic claims – meaning that people join his systems expecting to be able to make lots of money really easily, but then later find out the opportunity doesn’t materialize.

Instead, they just lose their money & Mack gets richer at their expense.

So, as a result, it’s probably easy to see why Mack has gained a pretty negative reputation.

But in the same breath, I’ll admit that Mack is quite clearly a guy that does know a thing or two about how to market things & how to build systems that do actually convert into sales.

And that’s essentially what the Multiple Income Funnel is designed to do.

You’ll see what I mean as I explain in finer detail exactly how it all works below.

How Does Multiple Income Funnel Work?

In short, Multiple Income Funnel is quite simple. It’s simply a case of buying into the Multiple Income Funnel (for $49/mo), then buying into the other 3 programs inside, which are:

  • Easy 1 Up (scam)
  • Envy TV (MLM)
  • Traffic Authority (scam)

And then finally, promoting Multiple Income Funnel to others & getting them to do the same.

So, yes – you guessed it… It’s a Ponzi scheme. There is no real product here.

Multiple Income Funnel Members Area
Screenshot of the Multiple Income Funnel members area

Mack, of course, would argue that it’s a “marketing funnel” but it’s quite easy to see that it is simply about investing money & then recruiting others to invest below you, exactly like you did.

By the FTC’s definition, that’s a scam.

And whilst it’s technically possible that you will make money, it’s unlikely that you will.

Systems like Multiple Income Funnel are not really designed to help newcomers get started. Instead, they’re designed to help expert marketers with broken moral compasses take advantage of newcomers.

So the gurus that are promoting these things will be earning lots of money, for sure, but they’ll just be earning their cash at the expense of those that they manage to trick into joining.

And sadly those “newbies” that join will just find themselves spending more than they ever earn.

Oh, and I nearly forgot to mention that the true cost of the program is over $10,000.

Yep – you read that right, $10,000+.

And if you don’t invest that full amount of cash, you won’t be able to earn the larger commissions… This means that it’ll be EVEN more difficult for you to manage to turn a profit.

Not good.

The Problems

For gurus with broken moral compasses that are simply looking to sucker newcomers in & earn cash at their expense, Multiple Income Funnel could be seen as a pretty nice program.

For everybody else, the program comes with a lot of problems.

The first problem is the obvious one, the fact that it’s a Ponzi scheme. There is no real product & instead, members are simply investing money & then recruiting other members to do the same.

The second problem is that the true cost exceeds $10,000 & unless you invest the full amount, you will not be able to earn the larger commissions.

The third problem is the fact that the average person who joins will NOT see success. This means that either YOU will not see success, or you’ll be suckering other people in knowing that they ain’t really gonna make money.

And the fourth problem is that it is absolutely not 100% done-for-you. Sure, the sales page is done-for-you but you still need to generate the traffic & that’s literally the most difficult part.

Is Multiple Income Funnel a Scam?

By the FTC’s definition, yes – Multiple Income Funnel is a scam.

The reality is that it is technically possible to earn money with Multiple Income Funnel, but that money is made by investing & then recruiting others to invest exactly as you did.

There is no product, and there is certainly no focus on a product.

As I mentioned further up in this review, the Multiple Income Funnel system has just been set up to enable expert internet marketers to take advantage of newcomers & earn money at their expense.

The average person that joins Multiple Income Funnel will NOT make any money. They will simply find themselves spending money & making those that recruited them richer at their expense.

For that reason, I recommend that you avoid Multiple Income Funnel (and any other programs that make similar hyped-up promises).

The reality is that it is possible to make money online, but not without work. There isn’t (and never will be) a system that will generate you an income entirely on auto-pilot without any work whatsoever.

I mean sure, with methods like affiliate marketing you can certainly work towards a passive income, but it will not happen right from the off. You will need to put in work at the beginning.

The good news is that if you are still looking to earn money online, there are other legitimate alternatives you can pursue and I’ve put together a list of the best ones on my top picks page right here.

But whatever you decide to do, I just hope that my review of Multiple Income Funnel here has given you a good insight into how it really works & I hope that it has helped you to save some money.

If you happen to have any further questions or comments don’t hesitate to leave them below.

A Better Alternative

The sad truth is that unfortunately most of the programs promising to help you make money online are scams. I can say that confidently after exposing over 500+ of them here on this blog.

But the good news is that even though most of them are indeed scams, there are actually some very good programs in amongst them - some programs that can truly help you to earn money.

And out of all of the legit programs I've seen, the one I would recommend the most to anybody looking to get started online is Commission Academy. In my own opinion, that's the best place to start.

At Commission Academy, you'll be provided with everything you need (including the training & tools) to begin earning real money by promoting products or services for companies like Amazon online.

The best part is that there's literally no limit on the amount you can earn with it & the process is pretty simple which means that it's absolutely perfect for people that don't have much experience.

Some wealthy affiliates even earn as much as 5-figures per month... Or more!

Amazon Earnings Example

I mean don't get me wrong, that kind of money won't just fall into your lap without doing any work... But the harder you're willing to work at it, the more you stand to earn with it.

So if you're looking to get started but don't know which route you should go down or which program you should join (and don't want to waste money on bogus things that don't actually work), then I'd highly recommend checking out Commission Academy first. You can learn more about it here.

About the Author:
Born & raised in England, Dale is the founder of Living More Working Less & he has been making a living from his laptop ever since leaving his job as an electrician back in 2012. Now he shares what he's learned to help others do the same... [read more]
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27 thoughts on “Multiple Income Funnel Review – Scam? Here’s Why I Recommend You Don’t Join”

  1. Thank you Dale – you surely did save me money! I am looking for a legitimate way to make money online. I know that almost all are scams, as you said. I will try this Commission Academy on your recommendation. Hereโ€™s hoping it works. Thanks again, Jennifer

  2. Thank you dale. Even so i read your article very late i paid yesterday. How can i get a refund? I have paid a lot of money

    • You’re very welcome & with regards to a refund, you can try contacting your bank for assistance but sadly, I’m not sure if you’ll be able to recover it.

      • Men! men!! men!!!… Boy was I saved… Thank you so so much for this review.. I was about to dive in and pay the $49 but I figured there must be some review about it online… Thank God I found this.. you saved me..
        Does the commission academy work for Nigerians because I am a Nigerian..?

  3. thank you so much for writing this about multiple income funnel i was about
    to join them thanks for the heads up i will deffently be looking into your program
    i sure didnt want to join knowing later it was a scam they got so much hype i was not sure thank you so much for this article

  4. Saying thank you as well! I kept asking myself throughout the video, “What’s the product? What is being sold?”… I had a feeling it was simply making money on getting other people to buy into it too. You helped confirm that for me. Thanks for the info!

  5. Thanks for your we’ll explained information but unfortunately it came just a couple of days to late. I paid my $49 into this money making guru…..dumb me! I have never bought into anything like this after checking things out I did this one. $49 is alot of moneyfor me, maybe not to some but for me, yes! I’m on disability and have very little every month to just try to make it. I wish I had found this earlier. But not to worry!! Thanks so much and I will be checking on your recommendations โ˜บ๏ธ TSJ

  6. Thanks for the warning But as Tamela Sue Jaskson I also paid the first $49.00 I am hoping to be able to put a stop payment on this. It sounded so good as I only work 3 days a week for a small wage. I would still be interested in making extra money at home but not at a high cost. As I also bought into the secaond part of the funnel thing I dont understand it also. I look forward to your recommendations
    thx Kathy

  7. Hi thank you for your information and how do i cancel my account multiple income funnel can you send the number which i can call thank you

    • Hi, I’m not entirely sure how you cancel – is there not a link in the member’s area? If not, try contacting your card issuer as they should be able to help.

  8. Hi Dale, thank you very much for your review. Now I know I should avoid MIF. I always review passive income products before buying them. Some reviews are done by affiliate marketers who promote their sites/products in the reviews. I am wary of those because they tend to be biased in favor of the products they are reviewing. I hope that every time I review a product, I will see a review from you. Regards, Roberto Tongko

  9. I am so grateful for your blog. I too was looking into buying this scam for $49 just before I clicked send my money. I got a gut feeling that said look it up and I cannot thank you enough. I saved myself $49 plus that outrageous amount. It pays to stop and look it up. Thank you Thank you Thank you.

  10. Wow I’m so glad I somehow ran into this information unfortunately I just bought in to it just yesterday and been having problems navigate everything via my phone as I’m not really computer tech phone savvy, but learning to do something like you just suggested I would really like to do although I know I prolly won’t get my money back but want to make sure no more gets taken out of it as I am on fixed income I plan on unsubscribing to the mif immediately. I’m willing to join your commission academy and see how that goes for me thnks so much I hope I hear from you via email

  11. My name is Philip Earles I joined For this month after this month do not take no more money out of my account if you do our reporting

    • Hi Phillip, you’d be better off sending your message to Multiple Income Funnel’s billing team rather than to a third-party reviewer. How do you expect me to stop your money from being taken out?

  12. Thanks so much for this honest review. You saved me because I was about joining before I had a second thought and decided to check on the reviews about MIF. Thanks so much and please keep up the good work.

  13. Thank you so much for this review as it saved me from losing money. I was very close to paying the $49, but just like the above poster named ‘Sunday’, something was telling me to check the reviews.
    I actually found out about Multiple
    Income Funnel from a guy who promotes it on YouTube. The ironic part is he warns people about joining scams!


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